
Showing posts with the label Aurora Hart Flower

The East Wind - Aurora Hart Flower

It's time for a new challenge over  The East Wind  and it's Tainted Love.  The freebie is just sooooo cute!  You totally have to makes sure to register for the newsletter to get it! I decided to use a quote from the book "Le petit Prince" from Antoine Saint-ExupĆ©ry.  I really love that book and a passage was read during my wedding so I thought it would be the perfect card for my hubby for Valentine day... or our anniversary of meeting which is also coming up. f I though this image with the rose was the perfect image for that passage which states that man here cultivate 5000 roses in the same garden and don't find what they are looking for which could be found simply in one little rose or some water :)  Isn't that sweet?