Feeling very grapeful ;)

It's been way too long since my last post. As mentioned in the previous one, I was on a business trip.... And I have issues with my ears in a plane. Takes me forever to get over it... so the flight on Thursday and back Friday did a havoc on my system... enough complaints on that! Today was a rainy day in Montreal and that was perfect with me. I had stuff to do and wanted to do some crafting. And of course when there's beautiful sunshine it's very hard to go and craft without feeling like you are missing out ;) I created my DT card for Tammy's scraping challenge ;) you will have to wait to see that one. And there's still time to join in the challenge. I had time to make one more for the night! While I was away I was looking at challenges and images. And I had discovered Doodle pantry blog last month. They have a great challenge going and when you enter you get some great digis ;))) So I really wanted to pla...