Jackson's Digital Expressions - Challenge #13

Today at Jacksons digital expressions our Anything goes challenge is with the twist of Inks and such. Easy right? I know that I love to play with my markers and inks... so I figured I would join them this week and play along ;) Our amazing sponsor this week is For this week I decided to play with a altered art take ;) I never do this... but I read the instructions from our DT coordinator wrong... anyway I was sure that I was making this for altered art and thought it would be great... when I realized my mistake lol I figured it would still make for a great project, just had to add a bit more inks! ;) Easy peasy. So this is what I started off with: It's a little easel with a canvas. The image that I was working with from Bugaboo is Frame it Today's menu and I thought this would be a great addition to my kitchen. Since I have 4 kids... there's always one or two or three (if I'm not lucky lol) that complaints somehow about the food!!!!...