kid's birthday card

For those of you who have read my preceding blogs, I just want to start this one with news from my MIL (mother-in-law). I believe that all the positives vibes have been helping her! She's not suffering right now. She has regained her speech. The eyesight is not there... but at least she's doing better for now. She will not be getting better that we know... but at least she's not in pain. We have no idea at this moment how long we still have her in our lives. But we are treasuring every seconds. My husband came back home after spending the weekend there with his siblings. It was quite an emotional time for him. The kids and I were really glad to see him back home. We are taking it day by day right now. But with all this crafting and the wonderful comments that everybody have posted, as well as with all that crying on Friday... I'm doing ok right now. Today was a wonderful easy going day for me and t...