Just for fun

Today I decided to do some cards this morning... I managed to do 4!!! woohooo and you are only seeing one ;) The others are for future DT work. Now as I'm writing this, I'm taking some sun and enjoying my pool! ;) It's one gorgeous day in MTL. Great for the Formula 1 race taking place. So one of the cards that I did reminded me big time of my kids lol. Getting in all kinds of trouble. When I was looking at Feline Playful this week I came across a new challenge. And this challenge brought us to all kinds of wonderful freebie images. One of the sites had this amazing digi called Boy with slingshot. You can find him here: Little scraps of heaven . I was sooo happy to find him he's really adorable: Isn't he so cuuuute even if he's in trouble. I used my Your next stamp cloud dies and a bunch of left over paper from miscellaneous projects... I also added a scrap from a brad package and a little ro...