Tammy's scrapin Corner Challenge # 12

Today it's anything goes at Tammy scrapin corner . Our sponsor is My Heart Pieces digital. We really have amazing sponsors!!! So you should really join in the fun to win ;) For my card I chose 2 artist that I really adore! I discovered them about the time I discovered the blog world this spring. Yes... I was oblivious of this wonderful world. And now I'm almost at 100 posts already lol I combined Kozo the clown from Spyders corner. You can purchase some digi from her site: dragonsmoore . And the sentiment from Scribbles by sandy . Both sites have had wonderful freebies as well. Unfortunately Lyn at Spyders corner recently had a really bad experience... people posting her wonderful freebies on public sites! So not sure that she will have more for us. But in the case of both of these artists their digis are not expensive! So you really should go and check up their work and encourage them. ...