Enjoying the summer

So as I'm writing this, I'm enjoying my deck and pool with my 3 boys! They are spending a lot of their energy as I write ;)))) Got to love summer time! We are celebrating St-Jean Baptiste in Quebec today. It's our holiday. So that means since it's falling on a Sunday that I will be off on Monday!!!! YAY! I don't know what the weather will be like... but I hope nice enough that my hubby and daughter who are back tonight will get to enjoy the pool as well! Last week.... I had created a card especially for the Digi Haven challenge... and I realized when I went to look at the winners that I had forgotten to link my card up! How bad is that... So this time I better make sure that I linked up. This morning I created this card because I thought of the fun I'll be having now ;) Summer time was my inspiration for this card. My digi is from Hambo stamps it's a freebie and it's called Cool Cat. I thin...