Bundle up snowman
I'm back yet again... and in between my posts ended up one of my DT post... so yes it's been a busy night lol. For this creation I did something different... but you will be seeing 8 of these with different digis. I came across this concept over at Winners (our Canadian equivalent of TJ Maxx) And I thought it would make a great gift. It was 15$...and well I figured I could probably make it much cheaper and could give it out to my department (well the ones that work on the same floor as me... 'cause over all I have a lot of other folks.. it's just that they are not in the immediate vicinity). So I went shopping at the dollar store and this is what I came out with!!! Well one of them lol So for this I used another great digi from Pholk art Studio . This time I used the digi Bundle up snowman .