
Showing posts with the label Heather Valentine

Ebony Sea kissed mermaid

I got to play with the fabulous Ebony Sea kissed digi from Lacy Sunshine.  She's just stunning. For this project I decided to make something a bit different.  I made a tag.  I used all kinds of different inks and sprays to make my own background and then I used an ink refresher on it.  It makes the tag feel almost like fabric... Hard to describe here...

Lacy Sunshine DT card - Challenge # 16

Hello everyone, it's time for a new challenge over at  Lacy Sunshine challenge  and this time our challenge is super easy peasy!!!  It's dies and/or punches. For my card I used the fabulous Flower pot Pretties Holly.  It was the perfect time to get ahead of my Christmas card!!!  I'm hoping to give this one to my grandma.


Goodevening!  I hope you had a great day! In my case it was ok... trying to do some powerpoint presentations... ughhhh so long... and not fun in the least lol.  When I see what everyone was up too during the day I really miss my studio! So I'm here tonight to share with you a card I made a little while ago with one of the awesome Lacy Sunshine images called Rosalind.  She's part of the moppet series.  You can purchase her here .

Lacy Sunshine DT card - Challenge # 15

Hello everyone!!!  Hope you are having a fabulous weekend.  It's Sunday and this means a brand new challenge over at  Lacy Sunshine Challenge  and this time our challenge for you is an easy peasy one!!!  It's Girls Girls Girls!!!!  And this is just the perfect time as the brand new fabulous digis "City Girls" make their debut!!!! We also have a few little changes to the challenges.  All entries will be eligible to the prize of 5 awesome digis!!!  And the top 3 will also get a goody how fabulous right?!? Now comes the time to share with you my creation for the challenge using the Fabulous digi Megan Montreal City girl!!!!  And she's named after my little Montreal city girl Megan who sooooo loves the Montreal Canadians so when I saw this image I knew right away that I wanted to color it the colors of our team!!!

613 Avenue Create - DT card - Use a school supply

Hello everyone!!!  It's Sunday and this means it's time for a new challenge over at  613 Avenue Create  and this time our twist for you is to use a school supply!!! Our awesome sponsor is: Ok so  I had a challenge with this card.  I totally love Lacy Sunshine digis  but I could not wrap my head around as to which school supply that I could use that would work for this challenge...  And then finally it came to me and I really hope you will like the result!  I used the great digi Wild Daisy Rumberry Flower Pot Pretties.  You can purchase it here .

Calendar Girl blog hop

Welcome to our August Calendar Girls' Blog Hop. Itā€™s absolutely amazing when you do a Google search the interesting facts you may find. Such a find is special and unique occasions throughout the year!!! These unique holidays are our inspiration. As Neil Sedaka sang in his song "Calendar Girls" - "August, when you're on the beach, you steal the show!" Our hop begins today with the lovely and super talented Jearise .   You should be coming from the fabulous Sandy .  If not you really should start back at the top. The entire line-up is available just in case you get bogged down with all the holidaze and craziness as you won't want to miss a single calendar event!!!! The line-up for August includes: Jearise - Edwina- Janet ~ Laura - Lynne ~ Sandy~ http://scrapbookbless...

Lacy Sunshine DT card - Challenge # 14

Our challenge for you this forthnight is to share your favorite things!!!  And for us over at  Lacy Sunshine  we have used our favorite digis. Now I have to tell the whole story... when we came up with the idea of using the digi that we wanted... Heather told me that she was sure I would use this opportunity to go the dark route... As you know she has some pretty amazing darker images.  And yes... I would have probably gone that way... but this conversation sounded like a challenge to me lol.  So I told her that I would go the cute and Christmasy route... I don't think she believed me at 1st... but here's my card with the great Snowdrop image.  You can see I really did go cute and Christmasy... at least that's my version of it.

A little post for the fun of it

Today it was a gorgeous day but still too cold for the beach... so we enjoyed some shopping at Barnes&Nobles, some new clothes for my daughter (all the stuff that we purchase here remind them of the vacation... so I'm a total sucker for that lol and I got some pretty good sales), we also went and purchased our ornament for this year's Christmas tree and it will be a Skunk (a cute little one)... now you might wonder why... well... we have seen a skunk around the campground this year... and last night at 11pm as I was going out to the restroom... I heard my neighbor tell me "watch out mam there's a skunk" sure enough she was under our bbq... so I hurried to the washroom but I knew I would have to come back.... and while coming back... it was in between my car and the kids tent.  Let's just say that I didn't go out again!!!! So...I'm back with another little creation from  Lacy Sunshine .  I had some all prepared and not blogged this was perfect for...

Lacy Sunshine DT card - Challenge # 13

Goodmorning everyone!!!  It's time for a new challenge over at  Lacy Sunshine challenge . For this challenge I got to play with an image that was just perfect to represent my vacation going on right now.  Yup that's me taking it easy lol So I'm playing with the so cute Finkle - Wake up.

Lillianna - Lacy Sunshine

Hello everyone!  I'm back with a card I had made a few months ago for Lacy Sunshine but had not yet blogged.  I really love making cards but sometimes it's hard to find the time to blog them.  So I figured that while I'm camping I'm going to blog all the cards that I have done and not blogged yet. Heather has made the most awesome Melancholy Moppets .  They remind me of little ghosts and since I'm on vacation I've been reading some stories about ghosts and witches and such.  This reminded me of those cards not yet posted lol. This little Moppet is called Lilianna.

Lacy Sunshine - Pickles the great and powerful wizard

I'm back today with a great new digi from the fabulous  Lacy Sunshine .  The digi that I'm showcasing is called Pickles - The great & Powerful wizard.  It's from the new series that have just been released this weekend!!!

Pickles - Mad hatter

Oh I'm back... I had forgotten to post this card made with the fabulous digi Pickles - Mad Hatter!  This card was made for the fabulous anniversary celebration over at  Lacy Sunshine challenge . And this time our challenge is pretty special!!! It's time for celebrating the fabulous anniversary of Eleanor and Pickles!!!! How fun right. And to celebrate there are some pretty fabulous prize this time around. For the winner and you have to be playing with a Lacy Sunshine image to get this, you get the ENTIRE Eleanor & Pickles collection on CD!!!! How cool!!!! You really really want to play with us! So back to my little card just because I just love those images!  

Lacy Sunshine - Challenge #8

I would like to start off by wishing a wonderful Mother's day to all the North American Moms out there! It's time for another challenge over at Lacy sunshine challenge blog  and this time it's anything but a square!  For my card I got to play with the wonderful new digi called Becky Beaver that you can purchase here .

Lacy Sunshine - special digis Breast Cancer - Zoe's love

Here's my second card with the so very special digis from Lacy Sunshine that you can find here . Here is why the digis are so very special Lacy Sunshine is helping to fight Breast Cancer. Starting today May 1 thru 17th... all  proceeds from the sale of 4 special digi stamps... will be donated to Relay for Life's Team Fight Spirit! To me this is really special!  There's so many in my family that have been touched by cancer including my MIL who died last year from Colon Cancer.  My mom is a survivor of Breast cancer... it happened in 2010. So yes... totally want to do my part in getting the information out there! This one is called Zoe's love.  She is so very pretty!!!

Lacy Sunshine special Breast Cancer Fidget's Hope

Well you are in for an awesome surprise!!!  This time Lacy Sunshine is helping to fight Breast Cancer. Starting today May 1 thru 17th... all  proceeds from the sale of 4 special digi stamps... will be donated to Relay for Life's Team Fight Spirit!!!  This is one of the awesome digis.  It's called Fidget's Hope and you can find it here . I had so much fun creating with this awesome digi!  It's the perfect digi for some hope!!!  I used all pink this time for this occasion since it's for Breast cancer but it could have been colored in a different way for other causes.  Cancer does so much damage :(

GDT spot Raise the Bar

Hello everyone!  So a few weeks ago I was one of the chosen 4 designers for a guest spot over at Raise the bar challenge .  So this is my post for it! This week the challenge is Friendship so this is just PERFECT because I was going to do a post for this card and it relates to friendship. Last week my wonderful web friend Lisa Decosse from Decosses dynamite doodles  started a new monthly challenge that you can find here .    This is about the path to positivity!  Well... she was going to enter a card of mine last week and well we argueed about it because to me it wasn't  inspirational or fitting to this positivity challenge.  I finally won!  Barely I might add because I told her I had something planned and would not do it if she entered my card lol hee hee hee.  And this is what I had planned! For those of you that don't know today is Lisa's B-Day!!!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!!!!!!  And this is the card that I made fo...

Lacy Sunshine - Challenge # 6

Good morning everyone!  It's time for another challenge over at  Lacy sunshine challenge blog .  This time it's Spring Fever - use spring colours and/or image. For this card I get to introduce a digi that I was able to name!!!!  WOOOHOOO and just hope you like the name lol... ohhhh... so much pressure!  I really really wouldn't want my digi not to be chosen because I gave it a bad name...  Please tell me you like it! So here's Gingle Flitterdrive and Thelma.

Winnie Watermelon

Hello everyone!!!!  I'm feeling better!!!!  Finally!  Thank you so much for all the wonderful positive thoughts sent my way ;)  So I just had to celebrate tonight... and what better way then making some cards lol So for this 1st one (yup I made 2...) I used the fabulous Winnie Watermelon that you can find here , she's one of the latest digi from the wonderful Heather Valentine.  And you can only purchase these images at  Lacy sunshine .

Mari Gold

Good evening!  So how was your day?!?  Probably better than mine... yup I'm like the groundhog... I keep repeating myself... Tonight I came back home shivering... even if it was 10 degrees celcius I started up my seat warmer in the car to try to warm myself up!  I took a hot shower and some advils.  After that I was ready to color a bit before I go to bed! I'm pretty happy with how my card turned out actually!  Well to be honest I made 2... yup crazy right?!?  Must be the fever bringing extra mojo this time!  Well of course it could also be because Heather's digis are just soooooo adorable!!!  I did one that I can't show you yet... but the other I can ;)  So I will!  I did a card with the fabulous and so very sweet Mari Gold!  You can find her here .  And don't forget only Lacy Sunshine is the authorized store for Heather's images!  So if you find them elsewhere... well it's like buying stolen goods!  You wouldn't w...

Violet - Spring comes to life

Good evening everyone!  I'm feeling like CRAP!!!!  I went to work today... and by the end of the afternoon I had a major headache and the chivers... So took 2 advils as soon as I got home... feel better.  Well good enough to color a wonderful digi from Heather from  Lacy Sunshine  but can't show it yet... you will have to be back on Sunday for the new challenge ;) But don't  go yet... I did do a card yesterday that I can show you.  I created something with the awesome Violet!  And had soooo much fun with her.  You can find her here .