Let me count the waves!

Where to start... today was a really hard day... the notice of my MIL passing came out at work... and people started to come over to offer their sympathies and to ask me what had happened. So all through the day I was reminded of the fact that she is no longer there. She was such an inspiration for me. I used to love talking about my craft with her. That was a special bond that we had the 2 of us. She had a big family (6 kids - 3sons, 3 daughters, 15 grandkids and 3 great grandkids) but I was the only one that really liked to craft as much as she did. So the idea that I will never be able to share that with her again really made my heart ache. I decided to do a card for her. Since I have the wonderful opportunity to design for When the scrap hits the fun before leaving on vacation Marion send me a wonderful set of digis to play with. And it just happens that the sentiment was perfect for how I was feeling!!!! The images th...