Christmas winter scenes

Hello everyone! So did you have a crafty day?!? Mine was spent doing some food that turned up really delicious and some craft as well as a bit of blogging ;o) I'm here to share with you some really exciting news and some little crafty gift. I had made some cute little Christmas baubles that you can see here and after showing them to the designer of Nicecrane I had an amazing offer that took me about 2 seconds to analyse... and then I said yes! He asked me if I would like to be on his team!!! If you go and check out the store you will realize why I could not say no!!! I'm trying to get ahead of the game... and make some Christmas gifts for the teachers as well as the educator for my son that's in 5th grade. I will also have to make some for others but right now that's my main concern. I think that homemade gift are so much nicer than the store bought... especially since they get a lot that's the same... and they end up not ...