Dia de los muertos

Good evening everyone! Well it's evening here anyway... and it's getting dark earlier and earlier... I like the change of colors of the leaves but hate having to pick them up and most of all to know that winter is coming at our doorstep! I've been meaning to play at Smudgy antics all week!!!!! And I'm at a few hours of the challenge expiration. I thought I had lots of time today but since my hubby is gone to his dad's house I had to do all of the cleaning and grocery shopping by myself... as well as the cooking and preparation for the week. And to make matters worse, I started a laundry load to find out my 1 year old washing machine was giving me this god awful code. Since hubby dearest was away (and why do these things happen when I'm alone?!?) I did some research on the net to find out that it's possibly the electronic board!!!! YIKES that sounded expensive but most of all I had to wash the clothes!!!! So I followed one of the tricks m...