
Showing posts with the label Open-minded crafting fun challenges

Open Minded Crafting Fun Challenge - Midway post

Hello everyone!  So have you come over to play with us yet over at  Open-minded crafting fun challenge ?  It's time to share with us your new item or new techniques.  Pretty easy since we just had a bunch of crafting goodies over the Christmas holidays... And to start off the challenge we have some really awesome sponsors for you: ,  and  For this midway post, I have used an image from a Day for Daisies called Holding a flower .  Such a cute little image!!!

It's finally time!!! Open Minded Crafting Fun challenge

Good morning everyone!  It's finally time for our 1st challenge over at  Open Minded Crafting Fun . Our 1st challenge is about new items or New techniques!  Just perfect to use those great gifts you got over at Christmas time.  Or try out those new techniques that you have made a resolution to try this new year ;o) So go on over and check out the fabulous creations that our awesome team made and we have some terrific GDT for our 1st challenge. The great sponsors for this 1st one are   ,  and  That's a whole lot of fabulous sponsors for you to win from!  So we are looking forward to seeing your creations. Hugs

DT call

Hello everyone.  I wanted to share with you that the DT call of  Open-minded crafting fun  is now underway!!! And if you haven't seen the posts about our sponsors you need to check them out.  Some pretty awesome ones ;o)  This will sure make you either want to join the team or play with us!!!  In the meantime you should become a follower over there to make sure you don't miss out on anything. Iā€™m doing a little giveaway to celebrate 450 followers come and join in Hugs

Heads up ;o)

Hello everyone!!! Hope you are having a fabulous Thursday!!!  I'm here just for a quick post to let you know that we have started showcasing our wonderful sponsors for Open-minded crafting Fun Challenge . Hope you will come and read up on them?  And while you are there you should join up as a follower so you don't miss any of the action that will take place. They are pretty awesome, Susan and I are really getting excited about this adventure!  Don't forget the DT call will be starting on November 1st ;o) Hugs

EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok did I get your attention with the title?!?!  Enough caps for you?  Well I have some totally EXCITING NEWS to share!  I'm finally taking the plunge of doing a challenge with a fabulous friend of mine Susan Kennedy .  Don't know if you know her work, but if you don't you totally should she's really AWESOME! So we have started And as the title states this challenge will be about having fun creating!!!  You will be allowed to enter whatever type of creation you like (so long as it fits the challenge).  So dark, cute, whatever!!!  We will be doing our DT call on November 1st.  In the meantime you can become a follower ;o)  By e-mail, google friend, bloglovin!  Just follow so you don't miss on the fun.   Right now we have a Halloween theme so don't be alarmed... there will be different looks varying with the seasons lol The actual challenges will start on January 4th and will be every 2 weeks on a Saturday.  There are some...