
Showing posts with the label digi 13801 picking a tree

QKR - Guest Designer - Snowmen, Snow Angels, etc.

Goodmorning everyone!  Happy Friday ;)  Just love Friday's.  I know that I will have the entire weekend coming up.  Of course this weekend I have mixed feelings...  My hubby will be missing my Christmas party to see his father who is sick and presently hospitalized!  Please keep him in your thoughts!!!! And today... yeah I will share a secret with you guys.... one that I don't  normally share.... should I.....hmmmm.... well it's my B-day!  So I'm super happy to be able to be on the QKR challenge .  It think it was just meant to be for me to be posting this card on my b-day ;)  I've always loved Christmas because as a kid my b-day meant that we would be putting up the Christmas tree... and I actually thought everyone was putting their lights up for me ;)  that was the good times... now I know that it has nothing to do with me but I still love the lights lol  I can stay and stare at a Christmas tree for hours (well almost... I...