
Showing posts with the label Devilish thoughts

Oddball - FB April challenge reminder

Hello!  It's Thursday and I have NOTHING planned today!  I will be resting and doing what the doctor, psychiatrist and psychologist tell me to do!  With the exception that the psychiatrist said I have to stop giving stress to my brain.... I need to let it rest... that means no stress.... if something stresses me out I'm not supposed to do it.  Just as if I was in a hospital.... man that is HARD for a Mom of 4 kids to just do NOTHING.... and not stress about that... lol  And that's what he said "I would tell you to relax but then you will stress about relaxing" bwahahahaha is he a mind reader?!?  Guess he did know what he was talking about. Anyway enough about me I'm here to share with you my little post for the reminder of the FB challenge going on over here  and the challenge is anything goes with a use of Oddball image!  So no reason not to come and play with us!!!! For my make I used the super cute  Image 148