
DDC #70 - Easel card

It's time for a new challenge over at  Digi darlas  this time it's about creating an easel card!  And to do so you really should use a Digi Darla image, it really increases your chance of winning some pretty fabulous images. For my card I used the great Penguin with Balloons it's a precolored image.

Tammy's Scrapin corner - Challenge # 70

Hello!  It's Monday again and this time it's not so bad that it's a Monday... because this is the last Monday before my vacation lol  So looking forward to the week being over! So we are here to share a new challenge over at  Tammy's Scrapin Corner  and the challenge is about animals... so that's pretty easy right?!?  Our sponsor for this challenge is So for my card I had the pleasure of working with the great Turt and Peep.  Such a cute image!!!

A little Christmas card

I am so very excited!!!  I finally did all my DT cards!!!!  At least all the ones that I had the images for.  So I can go on vacation ;o)  And I will be able to go guilt free.  Now I'm just hoping that the campground still has internet because I'm not preparing my posts in advance... so if there's no internet... there's no posts coming up... so really hope it works lol My card for now is made for the Lady Anne's Christmas challenge I'm using the 1st of my 2 images.

Winter sprig

Yes I know... it's barely started to be summer and I'm showing a Christmas card.  Well I wanted to play along at the Meljen's challenge.  And this time it's about our flag color.  My flag color for Canada is red and white... and I was a bit tired of doing red and white... so thought this would be a great opportunity to create something a bit different for the red and white! I have used for this card the great image Winter sprig that you can find here .  It's only 1$$$  This time I didn't  add any sentiment so this will be a card that can be used for my French or my English friends.

OSAAT - challenge #171

Hello everyone!!!  It's been forever since I last did my DT card for OSAAT !!!  I have become a monthly DT.  I had to cut on some of my DT work and I had the good luck of being able to become a monthly DT instead of leaving the team!!! So the great challenge this time is to do folds for the cards. I'm really happy because I really love working with these great images.  And this time for my card I used the great image Nayantara from my Heart Pieces.  Here's the look of the card closed.

Tulip arrangement

Good morning everyone!  I have a card to share with you today.  I know that I said that I was super busy trying to get all my DT cards done before I go on vacation.  And that's true.  And no I haven't had much time to create with other items because well I had to prepare cards for about a month... so that's a lot of cards to have done ahead. But I came across a fabulous freebie from SK digis from Sonia Kertznus.  I really love her digis... ok I should say I adore her digis ;)  I've had the pleasure of working with some for Tammy's Scrapin corner that she sponsors... and well just adore them. I've had problems to download the digi and Sonia being so fabulous e-mail it to me ;o)  How sweet right?!?  And she did the same thing yesterday with the other new freebie!!!  BTW if you are not a follower of the blog you should be and it's here  and the FB page is here  this way you wouldn't miss out on any of the fabulous digis. So my card is made with Tulip Arr

Cala Lily

TGIF!!!!  This is fabulous.  So very happy to know that the week is almost finished. I'm using the fabulous digi from Anne's Digital Art that's the freebie over at Outlawz.  Just love this awesome digi it's so elegant.