
The East Wind - New release - Aurora Dress up and play

Hello! It's been awhile since I played with one of the fabulous new release from  The East Wind .  She's so fabulous by doing 2 release per week!!! I mean that's a whole lot right?!?  So anyway I couldn't resist this one and here's what I made with the fabulous Aurora Dress up and play.  Something all soft!

Lulu on the move

So... yesterday while I was taking care of my colorless blender emergency (read previous posts for details) I came across a great set from  Kraftin kimmie stamps Lulu on the move .  It was on sale.... and I had been eyeing that set for awhile so JUST had to get it!  And of course there's a great GDT spot right now for grabs... I've tried before to no avail... but MAYBE this would be my chance?!?  A girl can dream right?  I totally love those stamps.  They were some of the 1st ones that I have used. So here's what I did with one of those fabulous rubber stamps.

Owls on fence

Hello!  I hope you are having a great weekend!  Here we have our kids all back!  It's nice to be a full house.  They (the 3 youngest who were away) got a cold... of course.. .but they were camping with the scouts... and it was raining... and cold.  Not the best of times to be out in the wild. Anyway they have some great stories now to share with us :)  And I'm just glad to have them back lol even if I know that after a few days... I'll want to send them away again! So I'm here this Sunday because I want to share with you a little card that I made with one of the great images from  From the heart stamps .  I did this one with an image that I had colored sometime back it's called Owls on Fence.  I really love that image and it was sold at a very low price at the time.

Snuggle Penguin

I'm back this time with a little Christmas card. I'm a subscriber for a lot of fabulous English magazines... and if you are a FB friend you have seen my post about the fact that I'm sad we don't get in Canada all the awesome deals for subscribing... and of course we don't have those magazine either! While I was reading one of them I came across a great site that was advertised   Cuddly buddly . They have the cutest little stamps and digis!!!  And there's a WHOLE big section of freebies!!!!  You can find it here . You really need to check them out... but I think that you will want the other stamps or digis :)  The prices are really good as well. Well what was my surprised when I saw that they were looking for designers for their stamps or digis.  I figured that coming from Canada my chance of making the stamp team is very low because of the cost to send stuff here... but maybe... just maybe I have a chance for their digi team?!?  So I went looking in their fa