
Some bunny Loves you - Progressive challenge - My whimsical little world

There's a brand new progressive challenge starting over at the great  My Whimsical Little World  and the fabulous digi that you will be playing with this month is Some Bunny Loves you . Don't know if you know but Paola has a great Youtube channel and does the greatest videos!  There's a new one that you will totally want to see to make a great  sparkly background ! I had sooooo much fun playing with this sweet bunny!  I applied the techniques that I had learn from Kit and Clowder to do the fur.  I'm pretty happy with the results.

Road Trip - My Whimsical little world

There's a brand new release today over at  My Whimsical Little world  you can check out the store here . Don't know if you know but Paola has a great Youtube channel and does the greatest videos!  There's a new one that you will totally want to see to make a great sparkly background ! The one I'm showcasing this time is Road Trip !  The name was decided in the great FB grou p which you should totally join if you didn't already there's all sorts of fun and games!  And there's also a brand new progressive challenge starting this month!!!!  Wooo hoooo.

Bella Sweet Tea - Faery ink designs

Hello everyone! It's my time to host the Faery Ink Design blog .  And I made a card for my step mom who just adores coffee!  I thought the new release image  Bella Sweet tea  would be perfect for it.  I know it's a tea image... but tea, coffee... it's all taken in a cup right?!?  So it's perfect for coffee as well! I went pretty monochromatic this time around with just a hint of red. Hope you like it

Bun Fun

Well I have to say I'm quite proud of myself!  I did all the doctor ordered today!  I did some exercise in my hot yoga class... Don't know why it's soooo hard for me to do when I feel so good afterwards. I ate some good food including some fish (salmon) so all of you looking out for me have to be HAPPY I'm doing all that I need to do to get better :) And I did something that I had not done in a very long time.  That's coloring an image just for the fun of it not for a DT (BTW the DTs have probably saved my life because they have forced me to create when I would have been curled up in a little ball crying...) so it's a pretty good step I think for recovery.  I found via a FB group an artist that I didn't know!  She's a fellow Canadian and WOW sooooo good! Here's my 1st card with her art because well I just needed to purchase a bunch of images! The one I'm using is called  Bun Fun .  I thought it was the perfect card to send to my stepmom w

Oddball FB challenge - Life live it!

Hello!  There's a new challenge over at the FB group of  Oddball Facebook group  it's such a fun group and it's an easy challenge because you can do what you feel like doing it's always Anything goes :) I used the great image Big Eye Girl # 30  and well I went over board lol layering like crazy... but it was fun!  And I chose a sentiment that means a lot to me right now!  Because YES I choose to live every day!

Scribbles Challenge - Midway post - CAS

WOW it's already time for the midway post of  Scribbles designs challenge  and this time around the challenge is about CAS. So it's the perfect time to share a little calendar page that I did using the fabulous image  Hatch-chicklet

Karleigh Sue Challenge - Pastels

It's time for a new challenge over at  Karleigh Sue Challenge  and this time around it's about Pastels!  How perfect to think of spring right?!? Here's my make with the fabulous  Cuppa Time .  The coffee sentiment that I used was pretty appropriate because yesterday we ran out of Coffee at HOME YIKES not a good morning when there's no coffee.