Birthday card

I'm trying to post more on my blog this year but it's proving to be difficult. I don't know about you but I feel that I'm always running after my tail! With Covid19 on the loose it's been quite hectic at work. Trying to calm people down and at the same time being worried myself. I'm lucky the plant that I work in is in the food industry. So our standard for cleanliness as always been high. Now they have been put even higher! But that makes us safe. This being said with all that was going on the employees are still terrified and we decided to shut the plant down for 2 wks. Some of our operations are continuing but not our main plant. This of course will be causing some loss income and some of our employees will be layoff for the 2 wks so will have to go on unemployment. My team and others that can work from home will be doing so. For me what it has meant is looking at the grants that are out there and talking to th...