Sweet surprised from Lisa Décosse

WOW there are some incredible individuals out in the blogging world and I had the pleasure of meeting one via the blog this fall!  Since then I've been following her work and her awesome posts.  She's now become part of 2 DTs with me and she really is the sweetest woman.

This morning as I was doing the tour of my blogger post I came across a post from her.  So of course I went in to check and I had the sweetest surprise waiting for me.  This morning the post was about the success that people have achieved and the good things that occurred to them.

Tuesday I reached my 200th follower!!!  Super excited about this and I will be putting a candy up for grab to celebrate with all of you probably this weekend.  But I had not mentioned this out on my blog yet.  As I was reading the post from Lisa that you can find here (and you really should go and follow her, she has great word art as well as thoughts that make you think about life in general...), I came to my name.  So I was really intrigued.  She mentioned a bunch of stuff that happened in January but the sweetest surprise was this!!!!

Thank you sooooooo much Lisa!!!!  I don't know how you have done this badge but it really means the world to me and I will be displaying the side-one on my sidebar tonight!

You have really made my day while it's bleary here and raining and I know that I have to go to work in some meetings and crunch numbers for presentations all day this will keep me smiling!  Because I know that I really have some wonderful friends in the blogging world and you are truly one!

Thanks and big hugs!!!



  1. Congratulations on your 200 followers! That's a major accomplishment :)

  2. Congratulations Vicky!! That is quite a sweet thing she did for you! Hugs, Robin

  3. Congrats on 200 followers, Vicky!!

  4. Aww, now you went and made me blush. You have been such an incredible support to me since I started blogging and it was my absolute pleasure to be able to do this for you. Besides, I had to do something to make up for the 'wish for snow' I made yesterday, now didn't I? No, just kidding. This is an important accomplishment and I wanted the world to know about it--well the small portion of the world that visits me on a regular basis anyways. So, once again congrats my friend. I wish you all the success in the world and I was glad that I helped bring a little sunshine to an otherwise overcast day.

    Big Hugs,

    1. It's my absolute pleasure to follow you. And btw it did snow here lol after beeing 9degrees celcius yesterday... we are also getting crazy winds up to 100km per hours... and it was a crazy day at the office but your gesture was the rainbow of my day ;) Thanks again!!!!

  5. YAY~! Congratulations Vicky.....

  6. Congratulations! That's a big milestone to celebrate.

  7. Aw that is a lovely surprise. Congratulations on reaching 200 followers

    Andrea x

  8. Congratulations, that is quite an accomplishment!

  9. Congratulations vicky!!! I have a blog challenge and we have a call DT. here: http://fairieschallenges.blogspot.be/.

  10. Congrats on the 200 followers, Vicky! It shouldn't be a surprise considering how wonderfully creative you are, my friend. :-D

  11. congratulations to you! what an exciting time! :)


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