June 2022 Freebie

The newsletter has been sent out! YAY. I got very worried this month that I wasn't going to make one up because my inspiration felt like it had taken a break.... I had a lot of fun playing outside however because it's been beautiful here without being super hot. However my plants do need a lot of watering. That might be one of the reason that I wasn't too inspired to be sitting in my studio working. But as many artist mention it if you sit down usually inspiration will just come. And that's exactly what happened. I made 2 freebies for you all. I hope you will enjoy them. You can just right click on the images and save them on your computer. Don't forget these are for your personal use and are not to be shared with others. Send them along if they want to have the freebies. If you want more freebies don't forget to register to my newsletter, you can do this on my website here: www.craftingvicky.com. I also have been giving ...