WOYWW from camping

A big hello to everyone!!!  This time I'm here to share with you some pictures of what is on my workdesk but it's a special workdesk... it's also a picnic table!!!  Yup I'm finally on vacation and this is my camping site with the area where I color and have fun.

So this is my WOYWW for you this week!!!

I also have some pictures of the great Champlain lake to share with you.
 Just totally love this place.  The lake is so calm and the beach so good.
The sun is really warm... and I did end up with a sunburn... oh well.... ;o)

Have a fabulous Wednesday everyone!!!



  1. It looks like you're really at home there. The water looks great for playing in. :-) xx

  2. Awesome pictures! Love the picnic table desk! I need to get busy and get some of my work outside to play with. Have a great vacation. Vickie #121

  3. How cool - vacation and crafting. It doesn't get any better than that. April #107

  4. How awesome Vicky, you are so totally organised during your vacation. Love the scenery photos, now I can see why you chose this area for your soul recharging.
    Enjoy your time.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  5. At least you are able to get away - even though it is rather hot. Enjoy your family time (and some crafting time).

  6. Hi Vicky
    it looks like you are having a great holiday and I love how you have managed to find a crafting table. Enjoy your time there
    Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your week with this lovely weather
    Ria #75

  7. love your desk lots of craftyness going on, thanks for the snoop

    Happy WOYWW
    Jay NO.65

  8. Oh my... am I seeing green with envy here? Yup, definitely. What a fabulous and relaxing place to call your workdesk. I didn't get as far as our garden fence to bring my craft supplies :) The lake looks so inviting, wanna jump in there! Hugs and happy crafting, Wendy #121

  9. Oh summer holidays they are so good for the soul and to sit and play also double bonus. Have a great holiday and don't get burnt anymore, slap on some sunscreen.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 26

  10. Wow what a wonderful workspace for this week, and gorgeous place to be. Enjoy your vacation and would love to see how it inspires you in weeks to come! Happy WOYWW! Danie #34

  11. Hope you are having a wonderful vacation. I am just about to carry my box of supplies out into the gazebo. We have a screened room to keep out the wasps in Auguse...I tie back the drapes and nets and sit in the shade...Bliss!

    You look well organized to colour!

  12. Looks like you're having a lovely time! Nice to relax and play. Save travels home. Creative Blessings! Kelly #105

  13. That is a gorgeous lake and it looks like it is what is needed to cool down. I hope by now, that sunburn has turned to tan.

    I’m not sure how late LATE is, but I’m here to wish you a beLATEd WOYWW from #2.

  14. Looks like an awesome sandy beach area. Does the sand go well into the lake as well? With the temps soaring it is nice to have the water right there. I imagine the kids spend most of the day 'camped' in that exact spot. Hope you are recovering from your burn. Oh and I love your workspace for this week. Crafters can craft anywhere if they set their mind to it!


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