WOYWW - July 10th

ohhh my I almost forgot to do my post for the WOYWW!!!!  I have to admit it was a pretty busy night... I picked up some food for the cats and dogs that my step mom will be baby sitting in my house while we are gone (it's a mini vacation for her and lots of help for us - feel much safer with the robbery that we had a month ago to know that there's someone in my house).  Then I put my crafting stuff away because well... I want to craft a bit while I'm gone!  Then tried to download some new music for the trip (and I-tune was not collaborating at all!!! )

So now I'm synchronizing my i-pod and writing this post!

Here's my suitcase with all my copics in their little folders ;o)  All ready to go
And that's what's happening in my little part of the world.

Hope that I will have some internet while I'm gone camping... otherwise you will be seeing crickets on my blog as I have no time to program ahead all my posts... so I plan on doing them from there...  wish me luck everyone!  Unless you are tired of me... in which case you will be be pleased to see it quite rofl.



  1. Now how can we be tired of one of the loveliest ladies on the net. You and your loved ones must have an awesome time away.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. Oh, LoL... I was just imagining the sound of crickets coming from your Blog hahahaha !!!
    I hope you have a wonderful time camping :-D

    IKE xxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. have a great time away and do some crafting and colouring! Have a great crafty week!! HappY WOyWw


  4. Have a safe and fun trip....I looked at your picture, and the first thing I saw was a tennis shoe....lol....not copics in files....lol

  5. Do have fun on your trip. Enjoy your new tunes and remember to DO something with your Copics....LOL
    Krisha #5

  6. Have a great holiday.
    Confession - I also saw a shoe...but looking again I can see it differently.
    Margaret #66


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