Trick or Treat Treasure Hunt - Creative bug on the loose

It is time for a... Hello and welcome to the first ever Trick or Treat Treasure Hunt brought to you by the team of Creative Bug Digitals. This is stop # 2. It is 8:00 am and time to release the second clue. If you missed the first stop, please go HERE and start from the beginning to ensure that you understand how to play along and get all the clues you will need to participate. Clue #2 Go the Creative Bug Digitals Store at . Find the Halloween section. Click on the third image in the first row across. This will bring the image name up for you. What is the fourth letter in this image's name? Take that letter and write it down. This is your second of six letters. __ ? ___ __ ? ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ You now have two of your blanks filled in. Remember you will need to unscramble the...