Bumble bee girl

Told you I would be back!  And this time it's for another cutie from Dilly Bean.  The no DP challenge was too hard to resist since I have hardly any supplies while camping... it was just the perfect challenge for me... and let me have fun coloring!

So this time I used the very cute 197 Framed bumble bee girlie and I went with a bumblebee theme!  Could have also been a wasp theme... my daughter was stung by one while I was coloring yesterday... :(  She's ok... but they are really annoying.. we don't  have a lot here on the campground but just enough I guess...

So I have used only some cardstock that I had... and made some black strips.  Then I used some of the sunflower bling that I had left from the previous project I had made for the Simply Betty Colorist position.

Here's a closer look at the great digi that I colored with my copics.  I used a fabulous sentiment from Ginger house that I thought was fitting since it all starts with Be... or could be Bee :)
I'm entering this card in the following challenges:

  1. Dilly beans challenge - No design pattern paper
  2. Crafty sentiments - Hand colored image
  3. Try it on Tuesdays - Things with wings
  4. Eureka stamps - Monochrome
  5. Melonheadz friends - Things with wings
  6. Left of center challenges - Monochrome
That's it for this post... but yes... I just might have another one... lol yeah...what can I say... I had lots of fun coloring while it was super warm these past afternoon... in the shade!!! And of course after spending time on the beach!



  1. That's such a fun card Vicky and your colouring really rocks !!! Hope your daughter is OK now - bloomin' wasps are a complete pain..... I mean what do they DO //..... what is their PURPOSE in life ????!!!!!!
    Hope you are having a fabbo time camping :-)

    IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. What an adorable card, Vicky!!

    Thanks for joining us at Eureka Stamps this week.

  3. This is super sweet, Vicky! LOVE the fabulous background you created and the fun sentiment! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  4. gorgeous card love the design
    thanks for playing with us at crafty sentiments

  5. Thank you for joining this week at Eureka Stamps Good luck and We hope you'll join us again soon

    Zoe x
    Handmade with lots of Love
    DT call at Not Just Cards Challenges

  6. I love this stamp and your card is so cute Vicky!!! Sorry to hear about your daughter being stung, hope she's feeling better.

  7. Super card and gorgeous image...thanks for joining in our challenge this week.xx
    {Crafty Sentiments Inspirations DT Member}

  8. Oh this is just fabulous. Love the yellow and black. In fact, just last night I was looking at the inside of a book jacket that has inspired me to do a yellow and black checked paper. I've added it to the 'to do' list.

    Glad to hear your daughter is fine after the sting. Thankfully she isn't allergic.


  9. This is so cute! I love the bumblebee theme that you carried through with the background papers. Cute image, colored wonderfully and the yellow bling and sentiment are PERFECT on this card. Thanks so much for joining us over at Crafty Sentiments for our challenge of "Hand Colored Image". I hope to see more of your artwork in our upcoming challenges, too! Hugs, Gail

  10. What a cute image! Great coloring and sketch. Fun, fun, fun! Hugz!

  11. dazzling! love the bees and good to see they are making a come back thank you for joining us at TIOT, we hope to see you again soon.EE

  12. WOW you have a knack with Dilly Bean images. I love love love this card. Hugs, joann sassy raggedy

  13. A real sweet card with a cute image. Thank you for joining us at TioT's this time.

  14. What a sweet little bee! Thanks for joining us at TIOT. Valerie

  15. Great card with a cute image. Thanks for joining us this week for our monochrome challenge.
    Karal DT for Eureka Stamps

  16. Great card Vicky, love the stripes of card to compliment the bee! Sorry to hear about your daughter! Hope she's not too traumatised! Thanks for joining us at LOC! Mo xxx

  17. Love your take on the TIOT challenge especially with limited supplies, have a great holiday hugs Bee

  18. This is just awesome, great job! I love the striping. Thanks for joining us at Dilly Beans. :)

  19. Love how you added the gems to match the digi frame, Vicky.Thanks for joining us at Melonheadz Friends, see you Monday for a new challenge!


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