New journal page - camping the great outdoors

Hello everyone!  I'm back to share another journal page with you!  This one is also from Imagine that.

This time the set that I used to make it is from The great outdoors
I just thought it was the perfect set to highlight a perfect night with some camping friends!  We met them at the campground a few years ago... and what a great friendship.  We are always sooooo happy to see each other again!

Here's the page that I made when we shared a campfire made by the kids!:

And here's a closer look at some of the precolored digi that came with the set!  So perfect as embellishment for this!

I hope you have a fabulous night!  We worked hard tonight to pack a lot of the stuff... they are announcing rain tomorrow... and I pinched a nerve... it's hurting a lot right now... hope it's better tomorrow!!!!!



  1. Fantastic page, Vicky! That chair reminds me of one my dad actually made from tree limbs and I claimed it as my own when I was about 10. Thanks for the memories, my friend. :-D


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