Vacation day 2 - journaled

Hello!  I'm back!  And this time it's to share what went on while the day was quite cloudy and rainy today... It's ok they are announcing better weather tomorrow and it was still nice enough for us to enjoy the outside but under out screen tents.  It wasn't the type of day with terrible downpours :)  It also meant that I could embellish our camping journal.

Since today wasn't about the beach... I went with a different fabulous set from Imagine that this one is School days and no... I don't want to be going back to school... but it had a fabulous set of book stack and some glue, scissors and crayons that I thought would work with what went on today due to the rain!
I used one of the sentiment from  At the beach 

I also used a digi from Fresh Brewed Peek-A-Boo-Sunshine that I colored with my copics.

So on the left end side I explain how it was cloudy... and that I embellished the book hence the scissors, buttons and the great little glue
You can see that everyone did write in the book their own little comment.  Including our friend Claude who came just in time for a little visit!

And this is the second page with the rest of the comments... I also used the book and crayon embellishments and will give you a closer view

Here's the closer view so you can actually see what I wrote :)

Totally adore those little kits!!!  They are so awesome and filled to the brim with all you need for doing something like this.

So have a great night!  I'll be back tomorrow with some more stuff on my blog!!!



  1. This makes me smile :) Love how you are doing a traveling journal Vicky! Turning out super cute too with these KD-Kits. Very creative of you *Ü* Thanks so much for sharing! Wishing you sunshine and happy all day today!


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