Journaling by 5s - my part 1

OMG who knew there was so much pressure on trying to do something within 15 minutes?!?  Well actually I remembered it like a test... .remember when you just had enough time to answer all the questions?  And you had to check how many you had left in order not to run out of time?!?  Well this is what it felt like lol

So this is the part one of Journaling by 5s  if you watch the video on Youtube you will see the links of the original author of this and how to join in and what it's all about :)

I figured I would just give a bit of a feeling on my blog of what it's like doing it.... And as I was using my new power director video maker for the 1st time.... without real tutorial or instructions that took awhile as well.  I'm feeling old and out of my element now with this.

But hey that's what I want to do, get out of my comfort zone, discover a new me an improved me after the depression and get stuff out of this whole process!

Hope you like this and don't forget to leave me a comment on youtube or at least a thumbs up if you like it :)

Have a great rest of the day and wish me luck that this composition book will stand all the painting I put on it.... bwhahahahahah



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