WOYWW - September 4th

Hello everyone!  I'm barely in time for my WOYWW post!!!  Super busy day at work today... meeting and then the final touches for the budget presentation that will be taking place tomorrow.

So here's what's on my desk tonight:
I have some images to play with including one from Doodle pantry because I have to make a sympathy card... for those of you that follow my blog you will remember that last week I posted about one of my employee's SIL. Well he passed away from cancer this past weekend.  He was only 46 and he leaves behind his wife and 3 young children ranging in age from 9-14... I'm totally devastated for them.  My employee is beside herself with grief.  She had lost her husband when she was in her early 30s... so she knows very well what her daughter is going through :(  Why is it that family get hit so much?!?  Her daughter just finished her own treatment for breast cancer!  Let's just hope and pray in her case it is now gone!

So I find myself in need to make another sympathy card...I really hate to make those.

Hope you had a fun and crafty time!!!



  1. Oh Vicky, how terribly sad! My heart and prayers go out to the family...

  2. Awesome looking stash of stuff Vicky - I wouldn't mind a browse through there :-D
    Such a shame about that poor family :-(


    IKE in Greece #67 xxxxx

  3. That sounds like a difficult sympathy card to make, best of luck with that one.

  4. Life can be very hard sometimes - but how beautiful for your employee that she has you to walk beside her at this time. May you all be blessed as you mourn, with a peace which passes all understanding.
    Take care.
    Margaret #50

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your employee's death in the family. May you be of comfort to her. Blessings!

  6. I seem to make more sympathy cards than other cards myself. I hope that family is able to recover from their loss. April #22

  7. Oh my goodness, how absolutely devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with your friend and her family at such a difficult time. You are right. Life just sometimes isn't fair at all but we have to keep on moving and living, don't we.

    Good luck in making the card. I know you'll find the right words to express your sympathy.

  8. That's so sad it's tough to make a sympathy card for anyone
    hugs Nikki 4

  9. How devastating and so young, makes no sense, Vicky, I hope you manage to get your card made, I had to do one this week, to for my daughter's next door neighbour, who died last Saturday, very suddenly, life is a B...h at times, love and hugs, loving the busy desk you have going on there, Avril#60


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