WOYWW - June 26th

Well... my luck is still pretty bad.... Last Sunday I was downstairs when I started hearing a drip.... called hubby over and it was a pipe that was dripping... so he opened a bit of the wall to find the drip...

Yup part of my studio wall!!!!!  The plumber came over today.  He had to open a bigger chunk of the wall.

The good news is that lots of $$$ later the leak is fixed.  But my studio is a mess and this is what I have to share with you at WOYWW.
and well of course stuff was put on my desk in the meantime...
oh when the plumber left we got a phone call to say there was an issue with my youngest son being accepted at the school he's been going to for the past 5 years (long story... we are not in the proper school for my district) and he would have to go to another one... :(  REALLY?!?  anything else coming our way?!?  well the good news is I called the school and they still have room in the grade that he's supposed to be in... so left work early to go and sign some paper works at the school and hopefully this will be resolved before August!

I really really want some quiet time.  It seems that ever since I joined in there's always something lol  I swear it wasn't that way all the time!

I’m doing a giveaway to celebrate my 350 followers! If you are a follower You can enter at this post and if you’re not now is a great time to become one…



  1. Well at least you found the drip and it didn't burst :) I'm sure you'll get your space back the way you like it soon
    hugs Nikki

  2. Hi Vicky, Thank you so much for your nice comment, I hope you get your studio wall fixed soon so you can get back to your creativity soon:)



  3. Oh no Vicky, they do say it never rains but pour. Hope things will pick up on the positive side again.
    {I would love you to take part in my 600 Follower Give-away. Thank you so much if you have already entered and good luck.} Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  4. Oh crumbs !!! I know how you feel..... sometimes all the sh&t comes at once, but I find it comes in 3's with me !!!!!

    Hope you can keep calm and have a happier WOYWW

    IKE xxx #35

  5. OH MY GOODNESS! A drippy tap! Daughter phoned in the week to say her loo had a drip, not major, yet just didn't want it dripping into the downstairs flat..so we're going over on friday to fix it for them. So Lucky that hubby can do just about anything! Rubbish in the garden tho'! He chops instead of prunes, but he is good with the heavy stuff! Lovely window you have there, I keep my blinds down as I'm in there most of the time and at night people like to look in!! (Mad woman in crafty messy room!!) At the moment, as we are having a major attack on everything in the garden..so they stop and look at that too! For the last ten years the house next door has been rented and of course they don't do their garden and its growing over into ours! Have a great crafty week!!
    Happy WOYWW! #59

  6. Wow you really can't get a break Vicky!!! My Gosh!! My heart goes out to you sweetie.. what else could one say other than I hope things turn around for you "LIKE YESTERDAY ALREADY!!!) and that you will have the strength to get through it... Holy Hannah!!! Sending triple hugs today

  7. Shame that studio has had to have holes cut in the walls. Be thankful that although it looks a mess it could have been far worse is the leak had not been found

  8. Oh dear Vickie that doesn't look good, could you turn the problem into a benefit by maybe suggesting a craft room makeover seeing as you have work to do anyway lol. It seems sometimes people want to make problems just for the sake of it. Hope everything turns out ok.
    happy art making
    Hugs Lottie #10

  9. Sorry Vicky, think I spelt your name wrong, hate that x

  10. Ohmy... days like that are #@%#$!^ (let's say "not nice") I hope the school problem gets fixed and that your studio is ready to rock soon again so that you can really have a happy woyww again next week! Hug from Holland. Marit #91

  11. Oh, Vicky, what a mess and a muddle - I do trust you will manage to get straight again quickly. We just had to move out of our home for 4 days whilst our plumber and gas man fitted an new boiler, had all the floorboards and carpets up to put in new pipework - so I do feel for you....
    Hope you find some little corner to create!!
    Margaret #61

  12. Eek, not your studio! Glad it is getting fixed, looks like a great space. We need some work down inside the house, but I hate having to move my crafts! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog; I so enjoy working with you at OSAAT. Best, CG

  13. Isn't being a home owner great! At least when things are going right. :-) Glad you found the leak early and I hope everything gets worked out with your son and school. Keep crafting - it will reduce your stress level. April #138


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