WOYWW - Aug 7th

Good evening.  I almost forgot to go and take pictures of what is going on in my "studio" for WOYWW and that's because I'm alone with hubby the 4 kids are with my dad!  So there hasn't been much crafting going on this week hee hee hee...

I also had to set up my new computer... my hubby got really really fed up this weekend of hearing me complain about the other one... I had reinstalled everything and again got the blue screen of death.  I was about to throw it out the window!  So he purchased another one on Saturday.  And so I've been getting used to Windows 8 vs 7 that's a huge difference... and I've had to reconfigure everything.  So that's what my time as been spend on... sorry if I haven't been around as much.

So here's my studio without the gaping hole... my hubby and dad fixed it last week.  I have put stuff back in there as well this past weekend... And I still have to organize all the great stuff I purchased while I was on vacation in the States

And here's my desk with my vacation/camping journal that you have seen showing up on my blog.  I have to put it away.  I needed to take some more pics because I still have some posts coming up with some creations from there ;o)
Oh and the Q-tips are the precision ones... I heard about them from Ellen the artist of House mouse.  She mentioned how great those were for crafting... so I want to try them out with my pan pastels!

Hope you had a great Wednesday!!!



  1. What a great desk. Love the stained glass window.
    April #122

  2. Hey Vicky Congrats on getting the new puter and the quality time with the hubby and your craft room looks great all fixed up. Must remember about those q-tips great idea :) have a wonderful Wed hugs Nikki 7

  3. I am impressed, you didn't sneak off to the craft room and play while there were no little people about? LOL I presume you are in your laundry room... as I can see a washing machine or its a darn big scrapping tool I haven't come across yet. Love the window with the stain glass. Happy WOYWW Annette #5

  4. Oh yes those Q tips, I 'used' to use them but forgot! great crafty space you have I really have to sort my place out it's getting to be a pain! Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) 38

  5. Another one who loves your window! And another Windows 8 fan- love it! Great pics of your workspace, love the wall colour. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #118 xx

  6. What a great space, Vicky. Another one drooling over your gorgeous window!! Windows 8 - golly that sounds up to date - we'll all find ourselves way behind your technology now...
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #68

  7. Hmmm Windows 8, I just figured out Windows 7 LOL! Your pretty window caught my eye first thing! I see you have been working on your journal in some other posts-Good for you! Such wonderful memories to keep! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Sue Kment #20

  8. Ah, yes, nothing like Qtips for that delicate work! Between baby wipes and Qtips our craft rooms look more like baby nurseries than art studios!! Happy Belated WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week! Darnell #12

  9. Hi Vicky, I'm having a very late catch up peek around as I'm away on holiday - your desk looks full of lovely inspiration and I love that lime green on you studio walls. Good luck with windows 8, I've heard it takes a bit of getting used to!


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