WOYWW - August 28th 2013

Goodevening everyone.  I'm showing you a different part of my life today... I was at the office until 7pm tonight and thought it would be fun for you to see my messy desk there at WOYWW... It's month end and budget time so I'm overloaded with Powerpoint presentations while you guys are crafting!!!  Totally jealous and looking forward to some crafty time.

as you can see my desk is just as messy as my crafty one lol

Hope you had a great day on your end!!



  1. Sorry it was a long day, good luck tomorrow. I didn't have a fun either.

  2. Vicky, this is a very Messy Work desk, hun, LOL...thank you for sharing, my Craftroom is my saviour, and gives me a life whilst my children, grandson and hubby live their days, LOL love and Hugs. Avril#52

  3. I'm sure you'll have some fun soon but your desk is quiet colourful with all that orange hugs Nikki 5


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