WOYWW - August 21 2013

Good evening everyone!!!  I thought about it!  And here I am with my post about what is going on this Wednesday on my workdesk!  Just in time to participate with the post over at WOYWW

So this time I'm here to share with you that I have some brand new ideas to play with... ;o)
I saw a great idea in a Magnolia magazine and really want to try it out.  So my dad was really wonderful and created a bunch of little wood block the size of ATCs for me to play with  ;o)  And that's the box that's on my desk!  I also have my faithful copic color chart.  You can also see in the back my little washi tape dispenser with the many levels all filled btw... but now at least I started using them.

The other totally exciting news is that I started a darker site that can be found here: Darker-side-of-me-craftingvicky.blogspot.ca.  I finally took the plunge!  Halloween is coming and I totally love that time.  I want to be able to challenge myself to do some of the more gruesome stuff... but I figured my super wonderful followers here might not really like this side of me, even if it's a real side of me. I really love anything that has to do with horror.... vampires, werewolves, zombies, the gore and all... and well it's hard to share it on a blog that is also about the puppies and the cutesy stuff.  Don't get me wrong, I love that stuff as well... but sometimes when life gets hard at work, well it's nice to do a darker creation with not so nice sentiments lol  So this will be my outlet.  So for those of you that would like to see the evolution of that you can join the followers there and for the other of you I have protected you from it by keeping the 2 blogs separate!

So that's what's going on in the crafting life of Vicky!  For the real life... I'm in the midst of budget season so not much time to relax!

And that's it for now.  Hope you have a great rest of the week and get to craft!



  1. Such fun things on your desk, we look forward to Halloween in this house every year.

  2. Can't wait to see what you do with the ATC blocks. I'm off to check out your darker side. ;-) April #106

  3. Wow so loving the ATC wood blocks, I keep hinting to my other half that I need him to make some lol. Loving having a good nosy around your desk. I am off to follow your awesome darker side, can't wait to see all the wonderful Halloween creations. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  4. Those wood blocks are intriguing. I'll pop back to see what you do with them. :o) Happy Wednesday.
    Sue x (MiniOwner@65)

  5. Hi Vicky
    your desk is looking really creative and I am really wanting to know what you will be doing with the little wooden blocks. Good luck with your new blog
    Enjoy WOYWW and have a really great week
    Hugs Ria #85

  6. lots on your desk. I want to add more copics to my selection. I am not into horror or scary...i can't watch scary stuff unless its early in the day [like morning early]. so by the time I go to bed i've forgotten what i saw...

  7. Love those wood blocks! My dad passed away suddenly in 2010. One of the last things that he did for me was cut BAGS AND BAGS of those ATC blocks. I have tons of them and love that he touched each & every one of them...

  8. I love working with wood blocks. Have him cut you some from underlayment. You can gesso those and they're like little mini canvasses. You do need to buff sand the edges though as the underlayment tends to splinter. But it's thin and wonderful to work on!

    Off to check out your darker side. I love Halloween though probably for different reasons. Creative Blessings on both fronts! ~Kelly 131

  9. Vicky this all looks very interesting hun, and how fab to have such a brilliant dad...I got my love of colours and patterns from my dad, he was a painter and decorator...I had a wee dabble into the darker arts this week, which will be shown on my blog on the 27th...hope you can pop by and see what I cam up with...so outside of my box...love and hugs, Avril #56

  10. Hey Vicky look forward to seeing what you do gonna go check out your darker side I agree I LOVE halloween. I have a policy when giving out candy if they can handle the scare they have have the treats lol ... and I can honestly say I've scared some that they won't get candy from me at all lol is that wrong lol
    hugs Nikki 22

  11. I'm intrigued what you will do with your blokes. I have loads from when I took my old stamps off the blokes onto cling, to create more storage space. LOL Francesca #68

  12. there's only one wolverine in my life. But right now, Im here tot all about your fab desk..love the washi tape house, I should involve yrself with such a thing. I'm not a magnolia fan particularly but am interested to see what you're going to turn those pieces of wood to!

  13. I'm in the forest with everyone else waiting to see.....
    Good job I'm on your email list!!!!
    happy days
    Bishopsmate #72


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