Potty humor ;)

Today I noticed the challenge going on at Dude time doodles it's their challenge for Guest spot designer.

The digi that we have to work with is a toilet ;)  I thought what I could do with this image.  And I finally found it.  A joke!  There's not that many cards that you can make with toilets and be able to give them out afterwards... so it really needed to be something fun that I could re-use.

Here's my card:
The toilet is called Johnny on the spot.  You can find him at the challenge blog.  I found the tooth brush as a clip art freebie.  Then I added the bubble with the joke.  Hope you can see it properly.  The toothbrush is saying:  "Sometimes I feel like I have the worse job in the world!!" to which the toilet is responding "Ya... right!!!" funny no?!?  Pretty sure my kids would be laughing their heads off ;)))

I'm entering it in Dude time doodles.  

What do you think about it?!?



  1. I love your joke! Very creative and well done. So glad you decided to play in the challenge!

  2. Great joke & great card Vicky! Thanks for being so quick off the mark & getting your entry in on day 1!
    Great to see you at Dude Time Doodles again this week!
    Good Luck
    Dawn xx

  3. Ha-ha, too too funny! Great card! Thanks for joining us at Dude Time Doodles this week!

  4. Love this! So glad you found such a clever way to use Johnny on the Spot. Thanks for joining us for the freebie/gdt challenge at Dude Time Doodles this week.

  5. Fantastic! I just love what you did with it!! very LOL!!

  6. Fab card Vicky. Great joke which really made me chuckle. Very creative. Thanks for joining in with the fun at Dude Time Doodles.

  7. LOL this is a great card! Love your wording - very funny!!! Great to have you join our Guest Designer Challenge at Dude Time Doodles this week!!

  8. Vicky - this is fabulous! Love your sense of humour and what a great idea with the sentiment and the toothbrush. Love your creativity and love your card! Thanks for playing along at Dude Time Doodles!

  9. So clever! Great use of the image. Thank you for joining us this week at Dude Time Doodles! Best, CG

  10. Brilliant fun card, Thanks for joining in with us this week at Dudetime Doodles, Good luck.
    Kevin xx


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